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Τετάρτη 21 Μαρτίου 2012

GlaxoSmithKline announces digital strategy deal

GlaxoSmithKline has allied with Infosys and Fabric Worldwide on new digital strategy delivery methods.

The new partnership will involve the creation of Global Digital Services, a new shared service which will drive standardised processes and sharing of best practices across multiple digital channels for the creation and secure delivery of information.

It will take advantage of the cloud-based Digital Marketing Platform, allowing digital assets to be quickly created and consumer feedback to be gathered from a range of channels, with the ultimate aim of increasing engagement.

The project will allow GlaxoSmithKline to become more responsive to consumer signals, react faster to insights and improve its branding.

Phil Benton, vice-president for global digital services at GlaxoSmithKline Core Business Services, said: "Global Digital Services will enable us to provide globally standard processes, scalable assets and advanced analytics to support better and more efficient engagement with these external audiences."

Last year, the business generated annual sales of 27.39 billion pounds, demonstrating underlying sales growth of four percent.ADNFCR-8000103-ID-801321611-ADNFCR