Πηγή: FiercePharma
No one ever climbed the industry ladder without getting some help along the
way. And for women, including many of the accomplished top performers in this
group, that can be especially important. Maybe it was an encouraging nudge for
a bright young scientist or a willing mentor for a rising company player--but
virtually everyone in this year's group of top women in biotech benefited from
a higher-up's helping hand.
Now, these women are re-gifting that upward boost to the next generation of
leaders. Some are actively involved in nonprofit groups aiming to inspire women
in business. Others single out promising younger women who might benefit from
their guidance and experienced counsel.
This year's Class of 2013 includes entrepreneurs running biotechs, raising
cash and advancing new drugs in the clinic. Some are key corporate players
working on new deals.
Others run divisions or guide investments for their
companies. All play an influential role in the biotech industry or offer a
model for others--women as well as men--to follow.
It is a distinctly international group as well, ranging from Switzerland to
California, including many whose personal journeys have spanned continents and
corporations. Wherever they are, these women share a common set of challenges. But they
also recognize their ability to not only compete in today's business milieu,
but to change it as well. "We should not forget that when we are in
business, most of the time, it's a man's world," says Michèle Ollier,
a partner at Index Ventures. "And the rules have been set up by men. I'm not saying this is
bad--absolutely not. Many things are going well. But I think that we as
women could bring something different. But we need to have the mass to
bring this something different, which will not conflict or replace but will add
something valuable to this world."
Their perspective illustrates the extra talents required to succeed these
days. We hope it offers some insight on mapping your own careers. Enjoy
these profiles.